connecting | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘connecting’

Social Distancing and Productivity Opportunities

You can’t go anywhere without hearing about the doom and gloom of the Corona Virus.  This brings up fear, anxiety and uncertainty for what lies ahead.  We have been down a similar road a number of times before with other viruses and other disasters and one thing is certain, this shall pass and we will […]

Ask Denise: Luxury Marketing Strategy

Q: “Denise, I have a high end listing coming up. Very high end. There aren’t even any comps for this listing. I think I have the pricing end figured out, but am having a difficult time getting my head around the specialty marketing end of this. I don’t want to overspend on marketing, but definitely […]

The Connected Agent: The Most Important Agent To Be

Real estate is a business where clients hire you because they have faith that you can help them buy or sell real estate in an easy streamlined manner. Before you can find those clients you have to make connections. A connection can either be in person, on the phone, by mail, by email or simply […]

Connect with Your Clients with an Annual Client Review

agent by house

The holiday season is a great time for people to connect and reconnect with each other. Every year at this time agents ask me what they can do to connect with their clients in a big way during the holidays. While I do agree that it is nice to get a holiday greeting of some […]

The Power of “Showing Up”

Man and Woman shaking hands

When I talk about “showing up” I am referring to being present in your business and really giving it your all. “Showing Up” means picking up the phone when you would rather send an email or doing an open house and connecting with people when you would rather be hiding in your office organizing your […]

Ask Denise: Need Business Now

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, I am frustrated! I am just getting back into real estate and all this business seems to be going on all around me. But I can’t seem to get my hands on a piece of it! I just started sending information out to my sphere and geographical farm, but I can’t wait for […]

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