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Posts Tagged ‘help’

Ask Denise: Regaining Control

Q: “Denise, I am struggling with balancing everything I have going on right now. With the end of school for my kids, four listings, two buyers who are dragging me all over the county, and dealing with extended family drama, I feel like I am about ready to explode. How do I regain control?” A: […]

The Hidden Danger of Elbow Grease

Have you ever picked up a shovel or a paintbrush in the spirit of helping a seller get their home on the market? If so, I am talking to you. Over the years I have been witness to many sad situations that could have been prevented if the real estate agent involved had thought twice […]

Ask Denise: Need Help?

Q:  Denise, I am at the point where I need some help in my business. However, I have some big concerns about hiring an assistant. The last time was a disaster and I spent so much time on training someone who I never should have hired. I don’t want to go down this road again, […]

Delegation: Your Secret Weapon!

a woman working at many tasks

One thing that successful real estate agents have in common is the ability to delegate. When we see successful agents who are busy and thriving, one question we might ask ourselves is how they do it all. The truth is that they don’t do it all and that is what helps them to be successful. […]

Damsels in Distress

Wrenches next to decorative element

A funny thing happened on my way to teach my EVOLVE class a couple of weeks ago and I can’t wait to share this story of exceptional client care with you. My CEO Shauna Naf and I were on our way to teach EVOLVE when we noticed a strange sound coming from the right front […]

Ask Denise: Support for Technology

Denise Lones

Q: I’m in an office with limited technical support… and I’m not great with technology. I find myself spending hours and hours trying to figure out stupid things. For example, I’m tracking market data and putting it in Excel. I want to create graphs and charts, but I just can’t figure it out without pulling […]

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