systems | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘systems’

Ask Denise: Better Planning

A: “Denise, my office is doing a business planning session in a couple of weeks which I am very excited about. I have no problem with the planning. In fact, every year I make a plan. But how close does my actual year come to my plan? That can be measured in light years. I […]

Ask Denise: The Branding Payoff

Q: “Denise, I am considering developing a brand and some basic systems with your company. I appreciate that you offer monthly financing (as I am not cash rich at the moment), but I wonder what I can expect in terms of a return on that investment.” A: In my experience, brand development pays off time […]

Ask Denise: I’ve Started…Now What?

Q: “Denise, I am a new agent. In fact, I just got my license last week! What do you suggest I do to get up and running quickly?” A: Congratulations and welcome to the business. I love that you are asking for advice right away instead of assuming you can do it all on your […]

Finding Success Your Way!

I have never met two real estate agents that run their business exactly the same way. Each has their own personality, their own style and their own way of connecting with clients. I am often asked if there is one perfect formula for building a real estate business. I would like to be able to […]

A Day in The Life of a Realtor – Jack of All Trades

The one incredible benefit of being a real estate agent is that you get to set your own schedule.  Imagine the freedom to work when you want and to be able to sleep in when you want.  Sounds good, right?  That is a fantasy that many real estate agents like to believe but in reality, […]

Daily Habits of Top-Producing Real Estate Agents

Have you ever wondered why some real estate agents seem to be able to weather any real estate storms and still come out on top?  Regardless of what is happening in the market they seem to always be busy and thriving.  They aren’t experiencing the typical peaks and valleys that most agents go through.  These […]

Ask Denise: Finding the Time

Q: “Denise, 2016 seemed like a blur! I felt like I was being pulled in all directions by buyers and sellers and I never found the time to implement some of the systems that I need. For example, I have been in the industry for nine years, but still don’t have a system for taking […]

Nuts-and-Bolts Online Resources for Organizing Your World

Of all the things I have seen transform an agent’s business I can tell you that helping them get organized both personally and professionally can have a dramatic effect on their business and confidence.  Finding your own way to keep everything in your world organized is critical to staying on top of your game.  Many […]

Ask Denise: My File System is a Disaster!

Q: “Denise, I read your article last week on filing systems. This all sounds good, but over the last 15 years I have been in business, I have accumulated a lot of files. A LOT!!! Frankly my filing system isn’t so much a system as an unmitigated disaster. I don’t even know where I would […]

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