![]() Q: “Denise, I send out mailers all the time but I’m not getting much response. What am I doing wrong?” A: It’s one or more of the following:
Ask Denise: On Mailers
Posted by Denise Lones on October 25th, 2010
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I totally agree with what Denise is saying. You should take her class, IT’S WELL WORTH IT!
Thank you, Sharon! I am so glad you got so much out of my class.
I know getting to one of my classes may be a challenge since I cannot be everywhere at once, however, I am having a call on November 4th at 10:00 am Pacific Time for everyone who needs to make a change in their business. Agents who are ready – I mean REALLY ready – to fix what is wrong in their business, I WANT TO HELP!! If you want to sign up for this free call, please email to reserve your spot: support@thelonesgroup.com or give us a call at 360-527-8904.