Q: In one of your Zebra Reports about handling leads you said we should offer to create special reports for a potential client. I just don’t have the time to do this for every person that contacts me. What’s wrong with sending data from the MLS via email?
A: Nothing is wrong with that. It’s actually what every other agent does. My suggestion to do more was based on trying to help agents convert leads, not just offer the “same old, same old”. Any agent can pull current listings off the MLS and send them on. Very few would take the time to create a neighborhood appreciation report, for example, or an analysis of market times and list-to-sales price ratios. Which do you think would be more impressive to a potential buyer?
Either via email or phone, I let the party know that, when we meet in person, the first thing I’ll do (if all is amenable) is take the prospective clients on a tour of my area and show them highlights of our community. This promises to ground them with some foreknowledge. They know that they’re buying into, and the q & a period with them is invaluable. We begin to get acquainted…