What are you waiting for? TIME your greatest gift or the worst enemy you have in your business.
Time is the ONLY thing we cannot buy more of. We treasure it, we long for more of it, we waste it and we battle it. The older we get the more aware we are of how precious it is and how quickly it passes. Time is like a fast-moving river and fighting that river is not a war you will ever win. There is great danger in waiting and wasting the time you have now.
I watch agents struggle to take the action they need to build their business or solve a problem they have been battling with for years. Instead of taking that action they put it off until tomorrow, but tomorrow never comes.
When is the right time to tackle your problem or face that project you have been putting off? Time waits for no one and problems don’t go away until you act to correct them. A common challenge I see agents face is that they wait for things to improve in their business. But agents need to take the actions required to make this change happen. The passing of time doesn’t solve your business building problems, it often magnifies them.
I watch agents squander time by avoiding the business building road blocks they come across. Instead of tackling them they run from them and avoid them. Your website will never build itself, your branding will never create itself and your listing presentation isn’t going to get any better unless you get honest about what isn’t working with it and act to improve it.
I have had numerous agents over the years ask me why they waited so long to get something done, what took them so long to decide and how regretful they are that they didn’t take that action years earlier. The only thing from stopping you from making a major change in your business or your life is TIME. Make the TIME and take the TIME to decide on what you need to change and change it. Then use TIME to help you achieve what you have been unable to do.
If you need to get a brand then do it. Make the decision. Embrace it and get the most out of it. Don’t wait another month or year. If you need coaching or some good old fashioned honest feedback, then hire a coach and stop waiting for another year to pass where nothing changes. If you haven’t been able to get these things done on your own, or if you need the expertise to get thee things done, then surrender to time. Surrender to that fast-moving river of TIME and enjoy the ride, see where your new branding or listing presentation takes you. Stop fighting it and learn to flow with it and you will see a monumental difference in your business and your life. When is the right time? Why not right now?!?
True for everything!!