Ask Denise: Analyzing Change | The Zebra Blog

Ask Denise: Analyzing Change

Q: “Denise, I have a brokerage that is trying to recruit me fairly aggressively. There really isn’t an issue with my current brokerage, but this has me wondering about what I am missing. My gut says that staying put is the better fit, but it takes me a long time to warm up to change so I may not be the best judge of what is in my best interest. What do you think?”

A: Since you are satisfied with where you are, you don’t need to make any sudden moves. Don’t be pressured to make one. You are probably someone who addresses problems through analysis based on what you shared. So get the facts. Make a list of what is working with your current brokerage and what is not. Then consider what would make up your ideal brokerage. Does this new brokerage solve any of your problems? Does it present additional problems?

Don’t let emotion drive this decision. Go to facts and do your analysis. Don’t be swayed if it is not in your best interest.

Here are some additional things to think about regarding finding your brokerage fit:

Finding Your Brokerage Fit – part 1

Finding Your Brokerage Fit – part 2

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