Branding Spotlight: Bold Brands | The Zebra Blog

Branding Spotlight: Bold Brands

Bold styles like to make a statement with strong or unexpected elements in their brand. 

Mid-century modern house? You bet! Lion-head door knocker? Check! Red tiger stripes? No problem! Bolds have no trouble making a statement – sometimes the louder the better!

It can take a lot of courage and a strong personality to embrace a bold brand, but these are always make a statement. Bold styles aren’t afraid to be different, and are always ready for new challenges.

  • Rhonda Bleck – Her eye-catching orange and unmistakable style makes for a bold statement on every marketing piece. Even so, her message is clean, concise, and laser-focused on her specialties.
  • Loral Krutsinger – Bold and beautiful colors are captured perfectly in Loral’s poppy red, navy blue, and ocean teal palette. A strong yet feminine logo makes for instant recognition in any marketing application.
  • Ezzie Anderson – I spy a tiger in almost every marketing piece, which is Ezzie’s favorite animal. With her Bengal tiger’s stripes over rich red swoops, her style is elegant and fearless.

If bold is too loud or overpowering for you, that’s ok. We have seven other styles: Artistic, Classic, Dramatic, Eclectic, Elegant, Natural, and Understated. Your design style may be one of these or a combo of two. Stay tuned for more info about the other design styles, or take our free Design Style Analysis to find out your personal design style.

To talk to a branding expert and discover how branding can make a difference in your real estate business, call us at (360) 527-8904, email

Curious about how your personal style can be represented in a professional brand? Book a branding consultation today!

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