Real Estate Blogging | The Zebra Blog

Archive for the ‘Real Estate Blogging’ Category

Today, I Eat My Words

Hi everyone, and welcome to this week’s Zebra Report. Today, I get to “EAT MY WORDS”. Years ago, when I started the Zebra Report, I had a client of mine ask me if I was nervous about blogging because once I put my thoughts into words I can’t take back those words. If I say […]

Ask Denise: Email Newsletters

Q: “Denise, I am thinking about supplementing my mailing program with a twice-monthly emailed newsletter which will include stats from about 10 different neighborhoods (once a month) and a community focus which will include an interview with a local business as well as information on local events with photos. My challenge is that I want […]

Single Family Tear-Downs

– An Interesting Look at Housing Starts Depending on where you are in the country, it may or may not be unusual for you to work with a buyer who finds the ideal lot in the ideal neighborhood – but it just happens to have an old and outdated home on the property. Although the […]

Introducing the Daily Zebra

Zebra and man reading newspapers

Looking for a daily digest of what’s happening in the world of real estate? Every morning the Daily Zebra curates news and stories from dozens of online resources into one easy-to-browse location for your reading convenience. The Daily Zebra covers market news, stories to help you keep your business tech-savvy, business tips, political real estate […]

Ask Denise: Do I need to Blog?

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, do you think I really need to be blogging? I feel like I should be, but I’m not sure about it … A:  Blogging is an excellent way to get your name and your ideas and opinions out there. However, if you don’t like to write and you are not consistent about it, […]

12 Easy Blog Ideas

Woman writing at a computer

For those of you who have “Create a Blog” on your 2013 To Do List, you know that creating the blog is just the first step. Last week I covered the great things that a blog does for a website. This week I want to talk about developing a blogging plan and give you some ideas to […]

Ask Denise: Starting a Blog

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, I want to start a blog, but I tend to start things, do them for a few weeks and stop. I don’t want to invest the money in creating a blog if I am just going to flake out! A:  I don’t think you should spend the money on a blog if you […]

Blogging: How to Get Results from Your Real Estate Website

Woman looking at the Zebra Blog on a computer

When I talk about blogging with my coaching clients, one frequent question always comes up – why do it? Many agents have heard that it’s a good idea, but they don’t really get why it’s such a great idea. Over the past year search engines like Google have made a number of very significant changes […]

Ask Denise: Should I blog?

Denise Lones

Q:  I need to get smarter (way smarter) about how I am spending my resources. Over the years I have done quite a bit of advertising and print mailing, but the cost is killing me. I’ve been researching blogs, and this seems like a much less expensive option. Do you agree? A:  Over time, a […]

Ask Denise: Blog Content

Denise Lones

Q: Where can I find content for blogs? I want to try one, but don’t have the technical skills to post stuff, and I’m not that great of a writer to start with. A: There are lots of options for blog content; some good, some bad. When you’re searching for content be sure you work […]

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