exceptional client care | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘exceptional client care’

Damsels in Distress

Wrenches next to decorative element

A funny thing happened on my way to teach my EVOLVE class a couple of weeks ago and I can’t wait to share this story of exceptional client care with you. My CEO Shauna Naf and I were on our way to teach EVOLVE when we noticed a strange sound coming from the right front […]

Ask Denise: Special Report vs. MLS email

Denise Lones

Q:  In one of your Zebra Reports about handling leads you said we should offer to create special reports for a potential client. I just don’t have the time to do this for every person that contacts me. What’s wrong with sending data from the MLS via email? A:  Nothing is wrong with that. It’s […]

Ask Denise: Exceptional Client Care

Denise Lones

Q: Denise, how do you know if your client care is exceptional if you never hear back from clients?  I feel like I deliver amazing service, but I think companies like Nordstrom have so elevated the bar that people expect super-human performance from me.  A: Nordstrom – and many other companies – have created a […]

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