jump start | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘jump start’

Ask Denise: Jump-Start the Pipeline

Q: “Denise, I am a little bit concerned about my pipeline. This time of year it is usually overflowing, but right now, I only have two clients in there who are going to be ready in a month or two. What are some things I should do to get things moving?” A: Although there are […]

Starting Over

Start Over button

Many agents have told me that if they had only known how to do things a little differently when they first started in real estate, that it would have saved them a lot of time and money in their business. When the opportunity comes, some will seize that chance to implement those tools and systems […]

Resolutions That Should Be at the Top of Your New Year’s List

Every year, real estate agents look to the past year for clues about what worked well for them and what they could do better. It is a time of revitalization and slate is wiped clean of the previous year’s wins and losses. It is a time to start fresh and begin doing all the things […]

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