population | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘population’

The Changing Face of Real Estate: 2017 and Beyond – Part 2

Real estate has been through so many changes over the past 10 years and there are more to come.  If we take a good look at how our population is aging and changing you can easily forecast some changes ahead.  In this two-part series we will look at the top 10 changes and trends the […]

The Census Bureau Does More Than Just Track Population

outdoor patio

The United States Census Bureau is one of my favorite resources for everything from population charts, area information, and even what is happening in real estate. Wait…did you know that the Census Bureau tracks what is hot in housing trends? They do indeed! The Census Bureau conducts The Survey of Construction which looks at current […]

What Makes A Strong Market?

upward trend graph

When it comes to HOT or STRONG real estate markets, a simple question often asked is “what makes a market strong?” The obvious answer being … DEMAND, of course. While demand absolutely drives people to buy in certain areas there are reasons for that demand and you have to look beyond the current demand to […]

Don’t Panic! Market Fluctuations Are Very Normal

Stock Exchange

I am sure in the past week many of you have had buyers or sellers voice concern over the state of the real estate market in relation to the stock market challenges as many people are sensitive to stock market fluctuations. While there is no disputing that China is experiencing a market correction which has […]

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