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Posts Tagged ‘The Lones Group’

What If…A Seller Asks You to Cut Your Commission?

I’m teaching at the Lynnwood Convention Center. The first thing you have to remember is that when someone asks you to cut your commission, they are being motivated by something. Maybe the seller is concerned about closing fees. Maybe a friend of theirs bragged about what they paid. Maybe they are just trying to figure […]

Celebrate Your 2021 Accomplishments

This year has enjoyed a super robust market. I have had agents from all over the country talk to me about how the pandemic has helped them make some important changes in their business and personal life. A common thread that I see in many of these conversations is comparing this year to last year […]

Conquering Conflict

Today, the topic is conflict. Again? Yes. We need to address conflict. Why? For starters, almost every day in my business, I get a call from at least one agent talking about conflict. There’s conflict with buyers, sellers, vendors, the title company—and other agents! Real estate is an industry that breeds conflict because there are […]

The Wonder of Windows

That’s some fresh insulation! Today, I am on site at a new construction project and I want to talk about the power of windows. In this project, we took about 80% of the structure down to the foundation and we built up the walls to 10ft. Our goal was to get that panoramic window effect. […]

Your Closing Statement – A Powerful Ending!

Today I want to talk about the importance of having a strong final or closing statement that you can say to your clients.  This is extremely important, especially in this highly competitive market.  When you are on a listing appointment it is important to remember that you are often competing against other agents and you […]

A Little Perspective on Tax Time

This week I want to discuss taxes. Yes, it is that time of year again. Every year during this time I seem to get many calls from real estate agents that are concerned about it being tax time. This is that time of the year when many real estate professionals get nervous. Perhaps they have […]

Key Communication for Finding Sellers in 2021

Hi everyone! Today I want to talk about the severe shortage of inventory in our real estate market and how real estate agents in 2021 need to go about finding sellers. In a business where every day you are seeing shocking list-to-sale-price ratios and these really high sale prices, I’m sure there are moments where […]

You are Invited to the State of the Market

Today, I want to invite you to my State of the Market coming up at the end of January. It is so important—especially this year—to know what’s been going on and what’s happening right now in the market. There are changes coming in the new year. There are trends that started because of Covid. Bottom […]

Protect Your Peace

Protect your peace. It is probably one of the most important things you can do, not just this season but throughout the year. You need to protect your peace with your clients, vendors, other agents, and all the other professionals we deal with. When I say “protect your peace,” here’s what I’m talking about: If […]

Stay Focused on the Facts (Not Politics)

I have to weigh in on what’s going on with the election. Probably by the time you read this, we will know who the President will be. But right now, I have clients that are panicking about how the election uncertainty is going to affect them. I want to remind them and you that life […]

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