The Lones Group | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘The Lones Group’

Strong Roots – Strong Business

Hi, everyone. Welcome to this week’s zebra report. Today I want to talk about the importance of staying put, staying on course, and trusting your business plan. More importantly, trusting that the clients you take care of will be loyal long term clients if you just stay the course with them.

Surrender, Delegate, and Succeed!

Hi everyone, and welcome to this week’s Zebra Report. This week I want to talk about something that smart business-people do, something that great leaders do, and something that organized people do. What’s the secret? It is the ability admit when you’re not good at doing something. It’s the ability to recognize that you need […]

What’s Your Net?

Last week I talked about how important it is to truly being able to calculate how much money an agent makes per hour by dividing their gross commission income by total number of hours worked in a given year. For example, if you make $100,000 gross commission and you work 40 hours per week for […]

Challenging Appraisals in Today’s Real Estate Market

There isn’t a week that goes by lately that I don’t hear a nightmare appraisal story from one of my clients. There has been a huge surge in appraisal challenges in the last 90 days and it makes me wonder what is going on! Many transactions today are being delayed because appraisers seem to be […]

The 20 Most Common Mistakes Homeowners Make When They Renovate – Part II

Last week, I covered ten of the most common mistakes homeowners can make when they take on a renovation project. Here is the rest of my list! Failing To Anticipate Chaos When you are renovating you can expect that something will go wrong.  Timing deadlines often can’t be met because when one things go wrong […]

The Power of Numbers

Lately I have been working with a lot of numbers and I have been reminded of their power. While numbers themselves are non-emotional, often they bring up a lot of emotion and therefore, are sometimes avoided. Anyone who has ever not opened their credit card statement or avoided revisiting their commission statements knows exactly what […]

September Buyers and Sellers: Savvy and Serious!

September is a month of new beginnings for kids going back to school and parents getting back to their pre-summer routine. With the busy-ness of the summer finally behind them many buyers and sellers that did not take action in the summer will be primed and ready to move forward in the fall. September can […]

How to Let Go and Learn to Delegate

When I first started selling real estate, I was a young “whipper-snapper” who wanted to set the entire industry on fire.  I had it all planned.  I was going to be the Number One real estate agent in America – no, the WORLD! – and I was going to do it alone. Being young and naïve, I […]

Coping With Life as a Business Owner

How many hats do you wear? As a real estate salesperson, you’re painfully aware that you’re not just a salesperson. You’re a marketer, financial consultant, troubleshooter, negotiator, computer repair person, legal consultant, and customer service representative, not to mention the owner of a small business. Yes, you are the President, the Chief, the Boss and CEO […]

Persistence is Powerful: Lessons I’ve Learned from Mati

Her name is Matilyn (I call her Mati or Monkey) and she is one of my daughter’s best friends. After years of her spending time in my home and at horse shows together she has become my friend too. In fact, my daughter jokes that when Mati comes to visit, she is really coming to […]

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