Ask Denise: First Steps to Re-Engage! | The Zebra Blog

Ask Denise: First Steps to Re-Engage!

Q: “Denise, wow! I have had quite the year. Between my real estate business, health issues, and family issues, this year has run me ragged! There is chaos all around me! Thankfully I see a few quieter weeks ahead after the holiday. I know I need to connect with clients and re-engage in my real estate business, but as I look around me, I notice piles of paperwork, laundry, and even a package of toilet paper from Costco that I bought in November that I haven’t had time to put away. Just tell me what to do!”

A: When you have had an out-of-control period of your life, whether that be because of work, a huge project, family issues that demanded your attention, or even health issues, although getting your business up and moving again is one of your top priorities, I would encourage you to do that from a place of strength, not chaos.

I first want you to choose an area of your house or office that is small but that needs attention. It can be a sock drawer. Maybe it is your jewelry or makeup. Maybe it is your fridge. Maybe your car is driving you nuts. Whatever it is, take an hour or two and just start taking action by throwing stuff away, putting stuff where it goes, and cleaning. Retaking control over your living environment is the first step you need to take!

Now, I am not saying this is the time to go through each and every closet. This is not the time to do that. But this is the time to take back control on those areas that you have to work with every day. Give yourself up to three days to regain control of your environment.

On day 4, take a step back. Now is the time to think about what you want. Hopefully as you have been cleaning, you have been thinking and sorting your thoughts. This will help you as you start to reengage in your business.

On day 5, take a few steps towards re-engaging. Send some notecards. Make a few calls. In fact, if you are up for it, make appointments with a few of your favorite clients to review the market value status in January so they can have that information for planning their 2019. I bet by the end of day 5, you will feel less overwhelmed, you will feel great about the steps you have taken, and you will be re-energizing your real estate business.

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One Response to “Ask Denise: First Steps to Re-Engage!”

  1. Hi Denise,

    I can’t stop laughing … I just cleaned up my sock drawer like an hour ago! And for exactly the reason you recommended. Cleaning and organizing my office and house always helps me to get that feeling of control after a period of chaos. Thank you for reminding us to start taking action in bites. Wishing you and your family the happiest of holidays!

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