Q: “Denise, I am thinking about starting to mail to my neighborhood which is pretty expansive. The only thing holding me back is wanting to make the bang for my marketing buck in terms of signage. This neighborhood is in an HOA that only allows for little tiny for sale signs that are all this boring gray color and unless you actually stop the car to get out and look at the sign, you can’t even see my name. This farm is perfect in every other way but that. What do you think?”
A: Depending on the rules of the HOA, there are probably quite a few more opportunities to make a big bang with your buck including:
- Amazing open houses – with directional signage, balloons, and a memorable experience
- Beautiful house flyers in a flyer box beneath the sign if you are allowed
- Advertising in the local newsletter or community website
- Engagement on the community Facebook page
- A monthly mailed newsletter that is statistically-rich and provides updates on changes in their market
- Sending letters out when there you have a new listing in the neighborhood or there is a sale
- Car advertising
- Community educational events
Don’t let lack of impactful signage hold you back. There are plenty of opportunities to connect in a farm!