Anxiety or Covid-19: What is the Real Danger to Your Business? | The Zebra Blog

Anxiety or Covid-19: What is the Real Danger to Your Business?

There are many ways to react about the virus breakout. It doesn’t seem to matter where you go – the news is talking about it everywhere. It is completely normal to feel concerned, unsure, nervous, worried, and more.

However, the reality is that there is not a lot that any of us can do about the virus other than be informed and be aware of the things that we can do to keep ourselves and our families safe.  From a business perspective it may seem like there is a lot of doom and gloom out there, but there are many things you could be doing to keep yourself busy and productive.

If you find yourself more home bound than usual, there are some things that you can do to make that time productive. You can:

  • Catch up on your client connections by sending out a mailer or cards,
  • Work on your Annual Client Reviews which often get put off because you are too busy,
  • Do custom research for each of your potential clients and send it to them now, while they too may be home bound and have extra time.

While it may feel like the world is slowing down and that real estate may come to a screeching halt, that is just not realistic, and it is not worth worrying about. Stop panicking and start taking action to catch up on projects or to help your potential buyers and sellers plan to do the things that they haven’t had time to do.  How many times does a seller tell you that they can’t put their home on the market until they paint a room or put away their belongings or do a deep cleaning? This could be the perfect time for them to complete this project that never seems to make it into their regular schedule.

While the rest of the world may be focusing on only the negative try to keep your mind focused on something more positive and productive. Sit down and make a list of all the projects you would love to complete and then start tackling them.

Don’t spend your time focusing on the “what ifs” of this virus.  Focus on what you have control over which is making a huge dent in the things you have been putting off. It is normal to worry, but try to put things into a more positive light. Time magazine wrote a great article about dealing with anxiety and the corona virus. It is a great read and I urge you to check the link out below.

Time Magazine: How to Manage Your Anxiety About Corona Virus

Use this quieter time in your business to do those things you just haven’t been able to catch up on. Try to look for the silver lining in this temporary dark cloud. I have personally experienced being in the real estate industry during several other viruses and one thing is for sure, life will go on and we will get back to your normal pace soon enough. Use this time wisely! Make it an opportunity to connect with your clients and catch up on projects.

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2 Responses to “Anxiety or Covid-19: What is the Real Danger to Your Business?”

  1. Thank you for this “focus” advise, Denise. I’m curious how you would respond to buyers who are now asking if it’s a good idea to buy a house right now? Stay happy and well!

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