database mailers | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘database mailers’

April Mailer Content Has Arrived

monthly mailer content from club zebra

Spring is in the air and April content is here with three great new articles, ready-to-mail, for your prospects’ inboxes and mailboxes this month. Grow your business and stay top-of-mind with your database by using any of these three expert articles for your monthly outreach. Whether they are snowbirds, relocating, or helping a younger family […]

Ask Denise: Database Cleanup

Q: “Denise, I am currently cleaning up my database and I have a number of past client sellers who have moved out of the area. I am about to begin a mailing campaign to everyone in my database, but am not sure I should include people who no longer live here. What do you think?” […]

Anxiety or Covid-19: What is the Real Danger to Your Business?

There are many ways to react about the virus breakout. It doesn’t seem to matter where you go – the news is talking about it everywhere. It is completely normal to feel concerned, unsure, nervous, worried, and more. However, the reality is that there is not a lot that any of us can do about […]

December Client Mailer Content has Arrived

monthly mailer content from club zebra

December is one of the best times of the year to remind clients of your value through expertise and this December we have great content to help you do just that. First up, Denise’s 2020 Predictions! Always popular, always insightful, Denise’s facts-based analysis of the real estate market is full of interesting and expert knowledge, […]

11 Secrets to Geo Farming Success

Many real estate agents utilize geographical farming to build a strong predictable lead generation system. It is easy to send postcards to your farm and call it good but is that getting you the results you want?  If not, then it is time to make some tweaks to build a strong PERSONAL PRESENCE. When I […]

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