Branding Spotlight: Kristi Nelson | The Zebra Blog

Branding Spotlight: Kristi Nelson

Kristi recently reached out to improve her arsenal of marketing templates. She wanted something that would help her deliver critical data to past and future clients with stylish visual impact. She picked several powerful tools, including a market watch postcard and a 4-page newsletter. Each one provides the reader with important and valuable market information.

Postcards are great for quick market snapshots while the newsletter is handy for in-depth market analysis. Best of all, the templates are easy for her and her assistant to customize for each mailing, which reduces the barrier to completing her marketing goals significantly.

Do you have questions about how templates can streamline your marketing campaigns? Talk with a template and marketing expert: call us at (360) 527-8904 or email [email protected].

Curious about how branding in social media templates can streamline your online marketing? Book a branding consultation today!

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2 Responses to “Branding Spotlight: Kristi Nelson”

  1. I am having a new website developed and had new headshots done now looking for a branding plan for 2022.

    Thank you,
    Celeste Zarling

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