Branding … Before & After! | The Zebra Blog

Branding … Before & After!

Because brand development is a big part of what my company does, real estate agents often ask me for my opinion on their brand.

Let me tell you, I’ve seen some doozies over the years.  It’s sad to see what some agents think is an effective brand.  And it’s even sadder to learn that many agents have paid good money for bad brands.

Which got me to thinking: how could I help?

That’s when I came up with it!  I want to tell you about a little event we’re sponsoring.  We call it “Branding Before and After”, and we think you’re going to enjoy it.

I don’t know about you, but I’m hooked on the “before and after” shows you see on television … the ones where they take a dated, dilapidated room and – with elbow grease and inspiration – create a beautiful space that reflects the owners personality.  Almost seems like magic, doesn’t it?

Well, I’m going to do the same thing with a brand!  I want to give each and every one of you the opportunity to see what it looks like when we “renovate” someone’s brand.

When I first talked with my team about this idea, we discussed searching out a brand that we thought needed a helping hand, and simply polishing that brand.  But I want the selection of the “before” brand to be done, in part, by you – our loyal Zebra Report readers.

Here’s how “Branding Before and After” will roll out:

  • Zebra Report subscribers will have until August 24th, 2011 to submit their brand for consideration.  It’s easy to submit your brand!  Simply send a pdf document to that shows your brand in full color.
  • On or before September 1st, my company will select three finalists.  We’ll post them online for all our Zebra Report subscribers to see.
  • Our Zebra Report readers (and anyone else they want to ask to vote) will have until September 15th to vote for the one brand for which they would like to see as an “after” brand created.
  • We’ll create two sample “after” brands, and will showcase them in a future Zebra Report, along with the original “before” brand.

Each agent who submits their brand for renovation will be the recipient of one free month of service in our Safari Club, where you’ll have access to tips, tools, and techniques to help grow your business!

Nothing illustrates the power of design more strongly than seeing “before and after” samples.  We think that seeing a real live “before” turn into a powerful “after” could help spur your creative juices!


  1. You may only enter your own brand for consideration.  This is not an opportunity to poke fun at your colleagues or competitors.  The contest is designed in the spirit of asking for, and receiving, help.
  2. Entries must be in the form of a full-color pdf, which you may submit to
  3. Your entry must be received on or before August 24, 2011.
  4. The Lones Group will post the finalists on September 1, 2011.
  5. Voting will be open until September 15, 2011.
  6. Each person may vote only once; you may invite anyone you know to vote for your brand.
  7. We will take the brand with the most votes, and create two new sample brands to showcase the agent.
  8. The Lones Group retains ownership and copyright of the “after” brands.
  9. The owner of the selected “before” brand will receive a $1,000 voucher toward the completion of their custom branding project, or $500 toward the selection of an existing Instant Identity brand.  The “after” brand is being created as a sample for the purposes of illustration only.
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2 Responses to “Branding … Before & After!”

  1. […] forget: there’s still time left to enter our “Before and After” contest. We will be doing a mini-makeover to the winner of the contest to illustrate what a […]

  2. […] the branding “before and after” contest I announced on August 4th … and the finalists we revealed on September […]

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