September – The Gateway to Finishing the Year Strong | The Zebra Blog

September – The Gateway to Finishing the Year Strong

Today is July 20th so you might be wondering why I am talking about September. But September is just around the corner (doesn’t it seem like Memorial Day was just a few days ago?) and it is one of those make-it or break-it months in real estate. It can set you up for record-breaking success or it can set you up for a ho-hum fall.  It can be your springboard to the most robust quarter of the year for in terms of sales success.  It can also prove to be the start of another wasted part of the year where one week turns into twelve and before you know you are back on holiday mode.

Don’t let this September turn into January without making it the best quarter you have ever experienced. However, planning for a great September does not start on September 1st or the day after Labor Day…it starts right now.

Start by thinking about your most important priority by asking yourself the following:

  • Are you ready to step into September with a plan to increase your listing inventory in the fall?
  • Do you have a communication plan for re-engaging with clients that may have gone astray?
  • Do you have every tool and system needed to walk into a listing and “wow” the potential seller and to win the listing over the competition you will be facing this fall? With listings in high demand and more agents competing for those listings, gone are the days of winging it at the listing presentation.  You need tools, you need powerful marketing and you need a unique point of difference to stand out in this very crowded listing market.
  • How are you going to make connections without coming across like a pushy salesperson desperate for business? Your communication plan must start now, you need to have an overall strategy that combines communication, tools, systems and service.
  • Have you thought about how the holiday could add a business-building element to your strategy or are you going to be like most agents who just sail past the holidays hoping clients will contact them? Have you thought about an event you could do that would help you re-engage with all the clients in your database?

Although there are a number of things you can look at in your business to increase your connections and fill your pipeline, if you haven’t had a strong coaching/mentoring relationship that is a great first place to start. Agents are independent business people and it can be a lonely business. Just having someone to bounce ideas and strategize with can help you determine if you are on the right track. It will help you keep focused on the prize and keep you from veering off course.

The other problem with real estate is that because you are your own company, many people don’t have their own marketing staff or assistants who are talented in making the tools and systems that are needed to impress potential clients and make your business run more efficiently.

There are many ways to ensure you have a stellar fall but your planning needs to start now.

If this planning overwhelms you and you feel like you don’t have the go-to help that you can rely on to get your fall jump-started, then your first step may be to pick up the phone and give The Lones Group a call. If you have ever considered getting a coach, or if you need to take your business out of its slump or take it to the next level, I want to talk to you.  Coaching can be the most incredible experience but it needs to be coupled with real systems and tools that help you make more money.  If your coaching experiences in the past haven’t helped you to increase your income and bottom line then something was missing and likely, it was having a component of the program that actually built the materials and systems that the coach was recommending. That is what makes our Mastery program different.

The agents that I work with who fully commit and surrender to making a monumental shift in their business are the agents that have the greatest dramatic financial changes in their business.  You need an energy infusion in your business and you need a plan of action in order to have an AMAZING end to your 2017. Let’s get started in the next few weeks so you have momentum by the time the calendar turns to September.

Give my office a call or email us: (360) 527-8904 or



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