We are pleased to announce that we have updated our brand gallery for 2021. Now you can see the elements that make up some of our favorite client brands as well as see them in action all in one easy-to-view Style Tile. From color palettes and fonts to examples of their fully branded templates in […]
Posts Tagged ‘power of branding’
Ask Denise: Keeping My Logo
Posted by Denise Lones on August 3rd, 2017
Q: “Denise, I was on your Power of Branding webinar a few weeks ago. I understand the power of Branding. In fact, I paid another company to develop a logo for me already. If I work with your company to develop the additional tools and systems I need, do I need to start completely over with […]
Ask Denise: Personal Branding
Posted by Denise Lones on July 13th, 2017
Q: “Denise, I have been on the fence for a while about building a brand. My company supplies some materials and I get by with other materials from companies that offer postcard templates. Is having my own brand really all that different? Do people really pay attention? Is it worth the investment?” A: Having your […]