growing your business | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘growing your business’

Ask Denise: Adding a Buyer’s Agent to My Team. What Should I Look For?

Q: “Denise, I have had a strong business for many years now and I am looking for a way to streamline my time. Not working with buyer leads seems like a great way to do that. I am looking for a buyer agent, but I am not sure what I should be looking for. I […]

Amplify Your Business

I am so excited about my upcoming Amplify business planning workshop! This is a brand new class – hot off the press and is the first class we have specifically designed to work in an online environment over a period of four sessions. We have designed this limited-seating workshop to provide that one-on-one friendly environment […]

Is Your Comfort Zone Killing Your Business?

Think back to the last time a buyer asked you to show a home on your day off. Did you agree to do it? If so, you may be operating in your Comfort Zone! Have you made a commitment to yourself to start doing video, but have made excuses for yourself? Lack-of-time, need-a-haircut, bad-lighting type […]

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