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Posts Tagged ‘business growth’

Celebrate Your 2021 Accomplishments

This year has enjoyed a super robust market. I have had agents from all over the country talk to me about how the pandemic has helped them make some important changes in their business and personal life. A common thread that I see in many of these conversations is comparing this year to last year […]

Amplify Your Business

I am so excited about my upcoming Amplify business planning workshop! This is a brand new class – hot off the press and is the first class we have specifically designed to work in an online environment over a period of four sessions. We have designed this limited-seating workshop to provide that one-on-one friendly environment […]

Five Changes for a Better 2020

Here we are. Just one last business week and 2019 will have sailed over the horizon and into the past. The holidays are nearly here and come January you’ll be refreshed and ready for a fresh start. Right? Have a bad 2019? Put it behind you. It is over. It’s done. It’s time for a new you. It’s […]

#AskDenise: A Good Monthly Mailer

Q: “Denise, I want to drum up some business in my farm area before the end of the year. I have been sending a regular monthly update via mail, but want to have a good call-to-action to get people to do something. What do you suggest?”

Is Your Comfort Zone Killing Your Business?

Think back to the last time a buyer asked you to show a home on your day off. Did you agree to do it? If so, you may be operating in your Comfort Zone! Have you made a commitment to yourself to start doing video, but have made excuses for yourself? Lack-of-time, need-a-haircut, bad-lighting type […]

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