Ask Denise: Lost Listing Presentation | The Zebra Blog

Ask Denise: Lost Listing Presentation

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, I just lost a listing after a presentation that I thought I had in the bag. I am feeling panic-y because I was counting on that listing. Especially in this market when I know that listings are flying off the shelves, I needed something I wasn’t going to have to babysit (unlike the buyers who I am spending a ton of time writing offer after offer for). I had great rapport with the seller and the listing is priced where I recommended. I have a feeling that it came down to commission, although I did agree to a commission cut. What else can I do?

A:  Without knowing additional details, it sounds to me like it could be a challenge in articulating your value. Do you have strong visual materials which showcase your system for selling? Not just a presentation on your iPad, but actual props that can be handled by the seller?  

Two years ago, I wrote a series of articles on the props you need at a listing presentation. I urge everyone to reread these and take a good look at their own listing presentations with a critical eye. If you don’t have materials that “wow!” sellers, then it is time for improvement. Time is of the essence.

In my experience, agents that have a listing presentation system have an easier time articulating their value and can hang onto their commission.

And if you need help, that is what we are here for! Please give our office a call at 360-527-8904 or send us an email to


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