living | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘living’

The Changing Face of Real Estate | Week 3: Lifestyle Living

deck chairs and water view

Today brings us to part three in our series on the changing face of real estate: lifestyle living. To access the other two weeks please click here: Part 1: Micro-Housing and Part 2: Generational Housing. This final, and probably the most important, topic in this series on how real estate needs are changing shows how […]

Imagine … Allan and Bonnie Did!

Allan and Bonnie O'Brien

Imagine you went to the doctor and were told you had a life-threatening lung disease. Imagine your doctor said you didn’t have long to live if you didn’t get a lung transplant. Imagine your insurance company refused to pay for this lung transplant and you would be looking at hundreds of thousands of dollars in […]

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