baby boomers | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘baby boomers’

Unpopular Niche Markets with Incredible Potential

When I first started selling real estate, I sought out the expertise of a high-producing agent. I was itching to learn how he found so many transactions. His answer was simple – he simply found the transactions that no one else wanted OR he uncovered potential in niches that no one else had thought of. […]

The Changing Face of Real Estate: 2017 and Beyond – Part 2

Real estate has been through so many changes over the past 10 years and there are more to come.  If we take a good look at how our population is aging and changing you can easily forecast some changes ahead.  In this two-part series we will look at the top 10 changes and trends the […]

The Changing Face of Real Estate: 2017 and Beyond

Real estate has been through so many changes over the past 10 years and there are more to come.  If we take a good look at how our population is aging and changing you can easily forecast some changes ahead.  In this two-part series we will look at the top 10 changes and trends the […]

Millennials Out Number Baby Boomers: Big Changes Coming Because of it.

Baby Boomers are born between 1946 and 1964 while Millennials are those individuals born between 1982 and 2000.  They have now officially outnumbered the Baby Boomers and this is creating some interesting shifts and demands in the real estate market.  If you are helping Millennials to buy or sell in this market there are some […]

Multi-Generational Homes – Big-Time Demand!

mulit-generation family in front of home

Multi-generational homes are increasing in demand across the country. First I want to explain what a multi-generational home is: It is a home that can have multiple families living under one roof in separate spaces. A multi-generational home could house a married couple caring for an older parent, a grandparent living with an adult grandchild, […]

Aging in Place: What You Need to Know

an older couple talking

Every year when I do my annual predictions I make a prediction on home renovation activity. It is no secret to anyone who has read these predictions that I have been predicting record high renovation projects to be started and completed in the next five years. The reason for this is very simple, people are […]

Generational Housing Needs and Their Effect on the Market

3 Family generations

There are four distinct generations that are changing the types of homes in demand today. They include these generations: The Silent Generation: born 1925-1945 Baby Boomers: born 1946-1964 Generation X: born 1965-1980 Generation Y: born 1981-2000 Each of the generations have very specific housing needs which require updated floor plans. This is creating both challenges […]

Housing & Generational Differences

3 Generations of People

As a real estate professional your job is to know your market and to know your clients. Understanding the needs and preferences of buyers today is critical in providing exceptional service to your clients and making their home-buying experience an effective and pleasant one. The two buyer groups that are dominating the buyer market pool […]

New Construction: Trends You Need to Know

New Construction floorplans

As real estate professionals we are trained to keep a very close eye on changes in the housing marketplace. But we also need to pay particular attention to what is happening in the world of new construction, as construction trends can have a dramatic impact on the housing market. Here are five important trends we’ve […]

The Changing Face of Real Estate | Week 3: Lifestyle Living

deck chairs and water view

Today brings us to part three in our series on the changing face of real estate: lifestyle living. To access the other two weeks please click here: Part 1: Micro-Housing and Part 2: Generational Housing. This final, and probably the most important, topic in this series on how real estate needs are changing shows how […]

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