content creation | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘content creation’

How to Create a Campaign Plan

I’ve worked with a lot of agents who have big, sparkly campaign goals. For example, they wanted to start a blog or have a regular video feature on their website. However, if you think you can execute a plan that is mood-based, it’s not going to happen. Instead, you need to have a realistic plan […]

November Content for Your Client Mailers is Here

Our November issue of content that you can mail to your clients, attribution free, is here. This November we have content for your potential sellers about adding hygge into your listing. What is hygge? Download your content to find out. On the buyer side of your transaction prospects we have an article covering how discount points affect […]

Ask Denise: Do I need to Blog?

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, do you think I really need to be blogging? I feel like I should be, but I’m not sure about it … A:  Blogging is an excellent way to get your name and your ideas and opinions out there. However, if you don’t like to write and you are not consistent about it, […]

5 Simple Steps to Create a Powerful Blog in Just Minutes a Day

“I don’t have the time to write a blog.” “I don’t know what to write about.” These are the two questions I hear most from real estate agents who know that blogging is a smart thing to do, but they are reluctant to take on something new, a time-consuming task, when they are at a […]

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