rest | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘rest’

Sudden or Gradual Decline in Your Business? Look for the Clues!

I have never met a successful real estate agent that didn’t have specific actions that led them to that success. They may not always be able to pinpoint the exact drivers of success, but success leaves clues, and it then becomes easy to identify those action items. Successful agents repeat specific actions and often don’t […]

Ask Denise: Recoup or Regroup?

Q: “Denise, I just closed five properties this month – my busiest month ever! My pipeline is about empty, but I don’t even care. I need some rest!! But the other side of me is thinking I better not take a break and get revved up for the next mountain. What do you think?” A: […]

Finding Success Your Way! (Part 2)

Last week I discussed the top 5 of 10 common denominators that successful real estate agents possess. This week I am unveiling my remaining list of essential elements that a successful real estate agent needs to be utilizing in their business. Don’t forget the key is to find your fit and create YOUR FORMULA FOR […]

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