Hi everyone, and welcome to this week’s Zebra Report. This week I want to talk about Covid Communication. Specifically, how our regular, comfortable ways of communicating with each other are really pressed right now because we are in the middle of an epidemic. I’ve had a number of agents that have contacted me this week […]
Posts Tagged ‘learning’
Finding Buried Treasure When Digging for Data
Hi everyone. Today’s Zebra Report is about something I’m extremely excited about, and I’m dedicating today’s Zebra Report to Blair. Blair is the daughter of one of my long-time clients, Kitty. Blair is intelligent, energetic, and really personable, but for any new agent coming into the business, knowledge is power. We had a call together […]
Lessons of 2019 and Tips for a Stellar 2020
Welcome back to a new year and a clean slate. We all know that the new year brings a slew of resolutions and promises to change your bad habits and become the perfect you. Whooooooooaaaa!! Slow down. First, let’s get honest about this resolution business. I have nothing against resolutions, pledges for a better you, […]
When the Student is Ready the Teacher Appears
This week I had the pleasure of teaching my two-day in-depth business-building class, Safari. I am always delighted to see real estate agents returning to Safari year after year. “What an honor,” I thought. The fact that there are some agents who come back even though they had already been to the class in the […]