Successfully Converting In-Person Leads
After my Zebra Report last week on converting internet leads agents reached out with many comments. I was actually surprised to hear that many agents have sworn off pursuing internet leads because of bad experiences, and who want to go back to the good, old-fashion method of being live in front of potential clients.
But they tell me they’re having trouble converting these live meetings into working relationships with clients.
Some agents are masters of this kind of conversion. No matter where they meet people, or how unrelated to real estate their first meeting may be, they walk away with a client.
How does that happen?
You’re probably thinking that those agents are charming, or have enormous personal charisma. I disagree! More likely it’s that these agents have – consciously or subconsciously – have mastered five simple skills required to converting live leads.
Let me share those five skills with you:
- The agent is skilled at reading body language. If you are clueless about body language, take a class at a community college, or do a little research online! Understanding body language is absolutely critical in converting in-person leads. You must understand what someone’s body language is asking for. Are they pushing? Pulling? Giving? Taking? And are you responding appropriately – both verbally, and with your body language?
- The agent engages with all parties, not just one person. Time and time again I hear agents say, “Well, the husband really liked me and wanted to work with me but the wife obviously didn’t warm up to me at all.” That’s probably because you focused all your attention on the husband! Learning to engage equally with two or more individuals live is a skill you can – and must! – learn. Be very conscious of this when you’re meeting someone live.
- The agent has the ability to “close”. I’m not talking about asking someone, “Are you ready to buy this house?” or “Are you ready to sign the listing papers today?” Effective closing which builds and cements relationships is asking a buyer questions such as, “Would you like me to show you what is happening with appreciation rates in this area?” This kind of closing question opens the door to engagement, and allows a potential client to feel involved in the conversation and the process. Closing in this way forces clients to think in an action-oriented manner … and that action can take them to you!
- The agent leaves a phenomenal final impression at the first meeting. What is the last thing you say to somebody before you leave that intrigues and engages them? If you don’t have that figured out, I suggest you quickly do so.
- The agent has appropriate and timely follow-up. So many agents who start out well with the first four points fall down miserably here. They’re great in front of the potential client, but they lack great materials to send … or they simply don’t make the time or energy to do so. Be sure you’re willing and able to commit to following up or all your hard work will be for nothing.
And my final tips? Be yourself, relax, and enjoy the interaction! For many agents, converting leads in person will be the route to success in this business!
Next week’s Zebra Report will focus on converting telephone leads, so be sure to watch for that!
In response to #4 — I think there is another essential element to add to this that will help agents keep a client after the first meeting and that is to ask for another meeting time. I think it’s a pretty good indicator if the client is wiling to work with the agent or not. If they commit to another meeting then the agent can be relatively sure (not always) they have secured a new client. If they don’t commit then at least the agent can ask them face to face why they may not want to work together instead of wondering. Great way to learn how to work on needed skills too. I think the best and last thing to say to a client as you’re leaving is “See you next week!”