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Posts Tagged ‘real estate advice’

My Favorite Mailing Campaigns

I’m excited about today’s Zebra Report because I get to talk about my favorite mailers—both my favorite mailing campaign I sent out and my favorite that I’ve received. Let’s rewind maybe ten years, and it was the Victoria’s Secret mailing campaign. They did such a phenomenal job. They were so consistent that I received something […]

The Power of One

This week I want to talk about efficiency and getting things done. I know that this sounds like such an elementary topic, but I hear this from my clients all the time! They are struggling to get something done, but they are getting so distracted that they are putting too many things to do on […]

What Covid-19 Means to Inventory in 2020 and Beyond

Whenever there is any type of crisis in the housing market it is critical to take a step back to assess how the current crisis can affect housing in the future.  Real estate markets are all driven by supply and demand and without inventory house prices can soar and buyers can be left without product […]

The Top 5 Actions of Super-Producing Agents

Are you working with clients you don’t really mesh well with? Are you spending money getting and chasing leads who don’t return your calls and emails? Do you agonize over keeping in contact with your past clients and in the end, never send anything? Do you find that every year you are working harder but […]

Ask Denise: Time to Move?

Q: “Hey Denise, I followed your office advice about staying put and trying to make my grass as green as possible before making a move. I have tried to make life at my brokerage bearable but I am just not happy there. What do you think about my making a move?” This question references these […]

Move Your Boat!

…and you may find more fish!!! There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t hear a real estate agent somewhere complaining about the lack of inventory in our market.  I get it…it is disheartening to be working with a buyer only to have them lose their offer because they are competing against so […]

Ask Denise: Annual Reports

Q: Denise, my business has slowed down a little bit (which is actually a good thing) but I want to put myself in a strong position in January. I have heard something about some annual report that you recommend for past clients. Tell me more! A: Absolutely! When I was an agent, creating an Annual […]

Persistence is Powerful: Lessons I’ve Learned from Mati

Her name is Matilyn (I call her Mati or Monkey) and she is one of my daughter’s best friends. After years of her spending time in my home and at horse shows together she has become my friend too. In fact, my daughter jokes that when Mati comes to visit, she is really coming to […]

Ask Denise: My Officemate is Distracting!

Q: Denise, I am spending more time in my office at the real estate office rather than being at home because I have two teenage kids who are now home for the summer. I have a hard time concentrating when they are hanging out at the house so I am going into my office more […]

Ask Denise: My File System is a Disaster!

Q: “Denise, I read your article last week on filing systems. This all sounds good, but over the last 15 years I have been in business, I have accumulated a lot of files. A LOT!!! Frankly my filing system isn’t so much a system as an unmitigated disaster. I don’t even know where I would […]

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