systems | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘systems’

Branding Spotlight: Open House Tools

Your open house system is key to making open houses easier and wowing potential buyers. Open houses are a lot of work, but they also come with a lot of opportunity.  Just passing out your business card won’t be enough. This winter, take out all your open house tools and see where any gaps may […]

Ask Denise: Motivation & Focus

Q: “Denise, I am following your advice and not getting freaked out by the current state of affairs. I am worried about income, but I figure everyone is in the same situation. Here is my issue: I really want to work on my business structure and systems right now, but nothing is holding my attention. […]

Ask Denise: What is Your Word?

Q: “Denise, as one of your coaching clients, I choose a word of the year. But this year the word I chose just isn’t resonating with me. It isn’t inspiring me the way previous words have. Any suggestions for helping me find my word?” A: Absolutely! The first step is to get in a quiet […]

The “E” Word – It might be costing you business!

“I had a bad year because of the market.” “My company didn’t support me enough.” “There’s too much competition in the area I work.” “I’m too new in the business to make a lot of money.” ENOUGH! Do you have “Excusitis”? It’s a rampant disorder in the business world, characterized by frequent and habitual use […]

Essential Buyer Tools – Amplify Your Buyer Toolbox

Buyers are a critical part of every real estate agent’s business and agents need to amplify up their buyer toolbox and provide buyers with tools to make good decisions. Here are a few of my favorite buyer tools: The Tour Kit –  No buyers tour kit is complete without a collection of handy materials for […]

Ask Denise: Investing in Branding

Q: “Denise, I know I need to develop a brand for a whole lot of reasons. But what is holding me back is the cost. I have heard it can cost thousands and thousands of dollars and I just don’t have that kind of cash!” A: I can’t speak to what other companies charge, but […]

Systems Can Make You BIG MONEY in Real Estate

I have always been a “systems” girl. I need things in their right place. I don’t like things out of order and I like to be able to control my environment. I am not a neat freak, but I am an organizational one. I like things to have a “home” and I like things to […]

Ask Denise: Lead Generation Overload

Q: “Denise, I am a newer agent and need to generate some leads. I have a direct mail company who keeps calling saying I can mail to thousands of people every month and it won’t cost me too much. Should I do it? I am also doing some online lead generation with another company and […]

Ask Denise: Mastering My Business!

Q: “Denise, I just did a review of my business for 2018 and I feel like I have plateaued. I need to do something else because I have big expectations for the next 10 years that I have left in the business. What do you think I should do or implement to get moving?!?” A: […]

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