review | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘review’

The Last 90 Days Can Make or Break Your Year…and Set the Tone for Next Year

Every year around this time I hear from agents that are examining their current year’s production and are worrying about finishing the year strong.  After nine months of hard work it is normal for agents to get tired, lose some of their selling steam, and be looking forward to the holidays.  Most agents want a […]

Ask Denise: Mastering My Business!

Q: “Denise, I just did a review of my business for 2018 and I feel like I have plateaued. I need to do something else because I have big expectations for the next 10 years that I have left in the business. What do you think I should do or implement to get moving?!?” A: […]

Ask Denise: Rejection

Q: “My client refused to do a review for me! What do I do?” A: Before you go jumping to conclusions and assume that they don’t want to review you because you must have done something wrong consider these 3 points. 1. Your client may be the type of person that doesn’t want their name […]

The Feedback Formula

What was the last thing you bought online? A book? Toner? Shoes? Chances are if you bought something online that you had not purchased before, you made the decision to purchase based at least partially on the product reviews. When I purchase anything online that I have not purchased before, I certainly check those reviews. […]

Ask Denise: Monthly Income

Denise Lones

Q: Denise, as we are heading towards the end of the year, I am looking back at the last two years and feel like I have made good headway coming out of the recession. I would love to take a look at my business and determine what this actually looks like on a monthly basis […]

2014 Business Planning: Providing Stellar Service to Past Clients

Female agent in front of houses

My last two Zebra Reports (Increase Your Referral Base and Easy-to-Follow Referral Generating System) have illustrated not only the importance of staying in contact monthly with your database (made up of both potential and past clients, also called sphere of influence or SOI) but also an easy plan to follow that keeps you top of […]

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