Some of my fondest childhood memories were at the racetrack. Yes, that is correct, I said the racetrack. The photo above was taken only a month ago by my sister Debbie at my favorite childhood racetrack. Let me explain. My father was a restaurant owner and many of his patrons were the trainers and jockeys […]
Posts Tagged ‘real estate brokerage’
Ask Denise: Time to Move?
Q: “Hey Denise, I followed your office advice about staying put and trying to make my grass as green as possible before making a move. I have tried to make life at my brokerage bearable but I am just not happy there. What do you think about my making a move?” This question references these […]
5 Simple Steps To A Great Autumn!
We’re half-way through August and almost completely finished with summer. In preparation for the new school year, many of you are shopping for pencils, paper, and crayons – or laptop, tablets, and cell phones, depending on the age of your children! You may be fitting in one last vacation before school starts, or harvesting those […]
Finding Your Brokerage Fit (part 2 of 2)
Last week in my Zebra Report I talked about finding your right “fit” at a real estate brokerage and the three reasons why most agents feel they need to leave their brokerage for greener pastures: 1. Leadership is poor, weak, or non-existent. 2. The perception of value has changed. 3. The broker doesn’t […]
Is the Grass Any Greener?
Here is a question that I’ve been asked a lot in recent months: “Denise, I’m thinking about leaving my brokerage for a different one. Should I make a move?” It’s understandable that you may be thinking about moving to a different office. Granted, the past few years have been extremely challenging. But before you take […]