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Posts Tagged ‘concierge’

Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should

Most real estate brokers that I know got into the business because they love helping people. They are servant people at heart and really want to take great care of their clients. However, the challenge that many brokers face is that they often find themselves between a rock and a hard place when a seller […]

Ask Denise: Planting Good Service

Q: “Denise, it is almost summer and I have a seller who is listing next week. The listing will actually be vacant as they are going on vacation for three weeks. They have done a lot of landscaping and have flowers in pots outside. Usually I would go ahead and water the plants, but I […]

Finding Success Your Way!

I have never met two real estate agents that run their business exactly the same way. Each has their own personality, their own style and their own way of connecting with clients. I am often asked if there is one perfect formula for building a real estate business. I would like to be able to […]

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