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Posts Tagged ‘client service’

Strong Roots – Strong Business

Hi, everyone. Welcome to this week’s zebra report. Today I want to talk about the importance of staying put, staying on course, and trusting your business plan. More importantly, trusting that the clients you take care of will be loyal long term clients if you just stay the course with them.

The Power of a Strong Brand

I must admit that I am a bit of a brand snob. I have my favorites and I’m fairly loyal to those favorites. Note that I did not say that I am completely loyal because there have been times when a good deal or a lower price enticed me to try another brand. A great […]

Ask Denise: Planting Good Service

Q: “Denise, it is almost summer and I have a seller who is listing next week. The listing will actually be vacant as they are going on vacation for three weeks. They have done a lot of landscaping and have flowers in pots outside. Usually I would go ahead and water the plants, but I […]

Ask Denise: To Knock or Not to Knock?

Q: “Denise, I understand you are not a big fan of door knocking, but when I hold an open house, I regularly spend about an hour letting the neighbors know in-person that I am holding an open house, to expect extra traffic, and to let them know they are welcome to drop by. Do you […]

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