problems | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘problems’

Anything is Possible with Persistence

I can still clearly remember the day my daughter Alannah called me from college to tell me she had found a homeless dog. Her school was over 1000 miles away. She was living in a no-pets-allowed apartment. So this newly rescued dog would not be possible for her to keep. I knew where she was […]

Ask Denise: What Am I Doing Wrong?

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, I have just had three clients reject me in the last week. I am devastated! What am I doing wrong? A:  First ask yourself if you really did anything wrong, rather than assuming it is all about you personally. Did you follow-up on a regular basis? Did you provide your expertise in a […]

The Elephant in the Room

elephant in the room

Have you ever been sitting with a client and your gut told you to ask something, but you just couldn’t quite get the words out? This often the case when you are afraid a question will make someone uncomfortable. However, those uncomfortable questions are critical to get at the heart of the matter. You can’t […]

Damsels in Distress

Wrenches next to decorative element

A funny thing happened on my way to teach my EVOLVE class a couple of weeks ago and I can’t wait to share this story of exceptional client care with you. My CEO Shauna Naf and I were on our way to teach EVOLVE when we noticed a strange sound coming from the right front […]

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