skills | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘skills’

Leveraging Your Superpower

This week I want to talk about your superpower, yes you have one! I want to define it, explain it and show you how to put it to work for you. There are so many real estate agents in the field today and there are specific reasons that a client is attracted to working with […]

Serve Solutions, Not Endless Banter

So many agents I talk to find themselves stuck in this communication rut. Part of the challenge is they don’t have a system for effective problem-solving with their clients. Do you ever find yourself talking with a client to whom you just can’t seem to say no? Do you ever find yourself in a conversation […]

What Have You Mastered Lately?

Woman with tablet

Have you ever wondered why some agents seem to do so well in real estate while others seem to struggle continuously? What I have learned over the years of coaching and training agents is that real estate is a profession that allows for individuality and uniqueness. It also is a profession that attracts independent souls […]

MASTERY: The Key to Success in ANYTHING!

Have you ever wondered why some agents seem to do so well in real estate while others seem to struggle continuously? What I have learned over the years of coaching and training agents is that real estate is a profession that allows for individuality and uniqueness. In fact I am a firm believer that there […]

The Teeter Totter Approach to Selling

man on tightrope

There are agents who are all about the relationship and agents who are all about the task at hand. Is one area of focus better than the other? This is a discussion that has provided debate over the years. You’ve likely heard the expression “he/she can sell ice to Eskimos” — implying that the individual […]

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