working with buyers | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘working with buyers’

Why You Need To Know About Easements

Hi, everyone. Today’s Zebra Report is on location. I am on-site today at a residential development property troubleshooting some easement inspection work. Oh, how fun is that? I want to talk a little about easements today because I have received a lot of calls recently pertaining to delayed closings due to last minute issues arising […]

Personalities and Pending to Close – Your Golden Opportunity!

A highly-overlooked referral opportunity in an agent’s business is the “pending to closing” process. And the more you can tune into a client’s personality during this time, the more effective you can be with that client. In fact, when done correctly this process can yield an incredible referral business. When a buyer or seller is […]

Serve Solutions, Not Endless Banter

So many agents I talk to find themselves stuck in this communication rut. Part of the challenge is they don’t have a system for effective problem-solving with their clients. Do you ever find yourself talking with a client to whom you just can’t seem to say no? Do you ever find yourself in a conversation […]

Many Buyers Not Able to Jump Into the Buying Pool

Sellers all over the country and especially the Pacific Northwest are excited about the sudden and constant rise in house prices. This is extremely beneficial to sellers who back in 2009 wondered if they would ever be able to recoup the losses they had on their homes.

How the Proposed Tax Reform Bill is Creating Concern with Buyers and Sellers Everywhere

Fear is a very powerful thing and both real estate buyers and sellers are nervous about the proposed Tax Reform Bill and how it will affect them. Many are waiting to see what happens fearing the worst-case scenario. But before you get drawn into the fear and drama you need to counter that with a […]

Ask Denise: Market Reality Check

Q: “Denise, we are having a weird moment in our market right now. Inventory is still really tight, but a lot of buyers seem to be on a break! There are a lot of homes that have been on the market for a while. BUT when I try to talk to my buyers about this […]

Lost your Mojo? Get it back!

Do you feel like you have lost your energy and mojo from the effects of a fast-paced, low inventory market? If you feel like you have, you are not alone. Many agents are complaining of exactly the same thing after finding themselves exhausted from running around with buyers that keep losing during the frenzy of […]

Keeping Calm: Strategies for Reducing Buyer Stress

In a fast-paced market, emotions can easily run high. In this kind of market, buyers can quickly start feeling defeated – the possibility of winning in a multiple-offer can seem next to impossible. When this happens, it is critical that agents reflect on how they can keep their buyer both objective and calm so that […]

Challenging Appraisals in Today’s Real Estate Market

There isn’t a week that goes by lately that I don’t hear a nightmare appraisal story from one of my clients. There has been a huge surge in appraisal challenges in the last 90 days and it makes me wonder what is going on! Many transactions today are being delayed because appraisers seem to be […]

Little Touches. Big Impact.

The littlest touches can have the biggest impact for your clients. The key is to decide what that one special touch will become your signature touch. It should be something that is unique to you and something that your competition probably isn’t doing. For example, think about your favorite restaurant. Is there something that they […]

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