personality type | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘personality type’

The Velcro Client: Why You Need Them and How to Get Them

It doesn’t seem like a week goes by without a new model of real estate company popping up threatening to undermine your business. These models are offering creative incentives and discounts to potential sellers and they are making real estate selling look very easy.  Of course, there will always be competition in the real estate […]

Ask Denise: Personality Style

Denise Lones

Q:  I read your series on converting leads based on personality style, but I’m not sure this really makes sense. When I’m sitting in front of someone I don’t have much time to figure out what kind of personality they are. Can you just give me one quick tip on how to do this? A:  […]

Converting Leads … Remember Your Personality Style! (Part 4)

A group pile of hands

PART FOUR: CLOSING WHEN YOU’RE A “SUPPORTER” This is my final Zebra Report in my series on closing strategies based on your personality style – and that of the clients you are trying to close. If you missed the previous three weeks, be sure to review the Zebra Reports on closing strategies for Promoters, Controllers, […]

Converting Leads … Remember Your Personality Style! (Part 3)

3 people analyzing data

PART THREE: CLOSING WHEN YOU’RE AN “ANALYTICAL” Over the past two weeks I talked about closing strategies for Promoters and Controllers, and provided strategies for effectively closing clients if you were one of these two personality types. As a review of those Zebra Reports, my thoughts on closing are this: there is no such thing […]

Converting Leads … Remember Your Personality Style!

Agent demonstrating to an Analytical

PART ONE: CLOSING WHEN YOU’RE A “PROMOTER” Earlier this month I talked about converting leads, from the telephone, the internet, and in-person. My goal in those posts was to give you some thoughts about the kind of steps you need to take when converting leads specific to each category of client. But there’s another issue […]

What’s Your Style?

I’m a pretty intuitive person.  For whatever reason, I “get it” when I’m talking to agents about branding.  It’s easy for me to quickly pick up on their strengths, their challenges, and the visual style that makes the most of their positive traits. But I’ve learned over the years that not everyone is intuitive.  And […]

Ask Denise: Trouble with open houses

Denise Lones

Q.  Denise, I know you’ll find this odd, but I don’t think I’m a typical real estate agent.  I actually hate doing open houses.  Meeting people I don’t know and making small talk just isn’t me.  My broker says agents in the office have to do open houses to keep their “funnel” full with prospects.  […]

Which Are You? How Personalities Handle Different Kinds of Markets

Every person’s personality type creates natural tendencies. Personality can affect everything we do on a personal and a professional level. There are four main personality types, which I call Promoter, Controller, Analytical and Supporter. They are each very different and each have their own set of strengths and weaknesses. And believe it or not, personality plays a […]

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