business planning | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘business planning’

Are You Riding the Wave or Treading in the Trough?

Ahhh…summer! On the one hand, I love summer. Warm days and nights. Time out by the water. My dogs frolicking with abandon. But I am always wary of summer because of what comes next. Once agents put away their swimsuits and flip flops panic mode sets in because they have been tending to their suntans […]

Goal Check!

It is hockey playoffs! Hey, I am from Canada. What do you expect? This is a great time to talk about goals and checking! Really though, I am talking about the goals that you started 2018 with and checking-in with how you are doing. We are, after all, moving our way through the second quarter […]

Are Your Hands Full?

I want you to imagine you are out with your family at a picnic. You come across a large meadow full of blackberry bushes that are full of ripe juicy lush blackberries. You start to pick them and realize after a few minutes that your hands are full and you have nowhere to put any […]

Important Questions To Ask About Your Own Business

At least every year – even better if you can do it more often – you should take a moment to step back and think about your business. These questions can lead to changes in your business plan (you have a business plan, right?) but they can also help point the way to a healthier […]

Ask Denise: Time to Move?

Q: “Hey Denise, I followed your office advice about staying put and trying to make my grass as green as possible before making a move. I have tried to make life at my brokerage bearable but I am just not happy there. What do you think about my making a move?” This question references these […]

Smart Agents Start Business Planning For 2018 NOW!

A successful business plan consists of three very important parts. We will be talking about each of these over the next three weeks. To create a business plan that helps you increase your income and improve your quality of life you have to first analyze your past business to get a really good assessment of […]

Jump Start for Fall!

Can you believe that we are almost at the end of August and September is right around the corner?  What a great time to reflect back on your year and to celebrate your wins and examine your struggles. With kids going to school and our focus turning away from summer activities, this is a great […]

September – The Gateway to Finishing the Year Strong

Today is July 20th so you might be wondering why I am talking about September. But September is just around the corner (doesn’t it seem like Memorial Day was just a few days ago?) and it is one of those make-it or break-it months in real estate. It can set you up for record-breaking success […]

How to Let Go and Learn to Delegate

When I first started selling real estate, I was a young “whipper-snapper” who wanted to set the entire industry on fire.  I had it all planned.  I was going to be the Number One real estate agent in America – no, the WORLD! – and I was going to do it alone. Being young and naïve, I […]

The Seasons in Your Business

The calendar turned to a new season week, it had me thinking about how there are different seasons in a business as well. These don’t necessary follow a calendar or the Earth’s rotation. Instead, they tend to follow what is happening for you personally or for others in your personal life. For example let’s take look an […]

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