Branding & Design | The Zebra Blog

Posts Tagged ‘Branding & Design’

Ask Denise: Facing New Competition In My Area

Q: “Denise, there is a new agent who has just started mailing to the same area! His postcards have that “enter your address and learn your home value” feature which I feel is terrible for our industry, but I am worried that it will get results. How can I be true to my business beliefs, […]

Real Estate & Gardening – Kindred Spirits!

Real Estate and gardening have more in common than you might think. Savvy real estate agents have figured this out. Think about planting a garden. You make sure the soil is good quality, you decide what you want to plant, you plant your seeds, and then you water the seeds and tend to that garden […]

Lost your Mojo? Get it back!

Do you feel like you have lost your energy and mojo from the effects of a fast-paced, low inventory market? If you feel like you have, you are not alone. Many agents are complaining of exactly the same thing after finding themselves exhausted from running around with buyers that keep losing during the frenzy of […]

Design Spotlight: Barbara Tissell

This week’s design spotlight features one of our MASTERY agents, Barbara Tissell, from Camano Island, Washington. Barbara serves the Stanwood, Camano, and Marysville areas. She came from an insurance background and wanted to start helping people with tangible investments. She now specializes in farms, horse properties, residential acreage, and waterfront properties. She wanted her brand […]

Ask Denise: Losing Listing Presentations?

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, I have lost 3 listing presentations lately. Am I in the wrong business? A: Absolutely not! Just because you didn’t get the last 3 listings doesn’t mean you are no longer skilled and needed. Sometimes you just don’t click with certain sellers and that is okay. Other times this could be a clue […]

Ask Denise: Farming Follow-up?

Denise Lones

Q:  Denise, after several months of farming, I just got my first call (yeah!) and I am going to a listing presentation this week. I have created my farming bible that you recommend and I want to have some current market information with me. What should I bring? A:  Congratulations! I am so proud of […]

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